Blotter updated: 11/30/23 Show/Hide Show All


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Destined: Insiderbro totally threw a monkey wrench into a lot of fan preconceptions with that one. Even if Luna or Leni is still the most popular in the online space, this explains a lot with why Lucy is in all the big name games and is usually used in the Nickelodeon promo banners.
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Anonymouse: >luna
>in current year
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Destined: She's still #3 with kids bro. And don't act like ecelebs and Plebbit don't also suck off Luna's lesbian clit. If it's not Leni, it's always Luna that people go to as their "favorite Loud sister." If the spinoff favorite character poll came back and it was Luna at the top, would anyone have been seriously surprised? The only reason people are acting shocked and confused is because everyone was so sure it was going to be Leni or Luna.
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Anonymouse: @Destined: I guess i dont really check outsite the thread to know, i never look at that loud subreddit, my mind always had the general consensus of luna being averagely liked at best, never highly
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Whyimhere: A poll based on 4 tlh episodes, yeah, a definitive answer to popularity,
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Fag: @whyimhere i feel like people are going to kvetch about this stupid poll trying to explain why it doesn't matter until the "right" sister is at #1
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Whyimhere: @Fag: well, you are right, even worse is people who use that poll as a definitive one, but forget the fucking poll is about 4 tlh episodes, and yeah, one of them is a lucy and her club episode, other is a Lincoln and Clyde spy episode with lisa having a mayor rol, the other was a luna episode and the last was frame on you or that episode where Lincoln and the action news teams tried to prove rusty innocence or some shit, honestly, I think most of the people talking about the polls didn't even read the entire leaked 2022 report, if they knew that they would rethinked about the poll veracity and porpurse, because, for me, at least was more important the tlh spinoff ideas from that report, at least 2 of a lot of ideas are being revised and considered as a potencial spinoff, and the other one are very in line with the 4 episodes of the poll, like 2 solo lisa spinoff ideas, 1 solo Lucy idea, action news team idea, and a spy one.